As you may know, we had PAT testing every day last week and we will do the final listening test this Tuesday (as the swim sports event is on Monday)... We are marking and entering the data for Maths and Spelling ourselves. Once I've analysed the data, I shall be making contact with any parents where I feel it necessary... ie. simply to make you aware of any obvious weak areas that need addressing with perhaps a bit of extra help at home.
Maths: we ploughed on with decimals. I hope you understand the concept of reversibility now, or that your child has explained it to you.
Writing: we are looking at Report Writing and the rules around that. Just check if your child can explain what writing in the 3rd person means.
Reading: we looked at finding keywords when reading in terms of helping you answer inferential questions and also in terms of summarising key points from an article.
Here are the children performing a play in class that they had rehearsed that day during lunch (off their own bat!) when it was raining..
Topic: we had a stroll around the school and stopped at various locations and discussed the connections the children felt they had with that particular area. They then wrote about the area they felt most connected to and drew sketches..
Classroom behaviour: I am really happy with how this is progressing. We still have a couple of children struggling with the challenge of keeping their mouths shut when I am explaining something, but on the whole, I am seeing vast improvement here.
Swim Sports is this Monday. We are going on buses from school to Sacred Heart at 9.45am... later than in previous years. This means we will be coming back later. So your children will need morning tea, lunch and a good supply of water to last them. Ideally, they should come to school with togs underneath as this will speed things up. Towel and goggles are essential as are hats for those with long hair...
Waterwise commences this Friday. Sun cream, hats, swim togs and towels are required + boat shoes if your child has them - don't rush out and buy them.. an old pair of trainers will do.
.. and finally.. go the Black Caps.. and ENGLAND too of course ;-)
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