Our Class

Our Class

Saturday, 14 February 2015

The week that was...

Great to meet so many of you on Wednesday.. if you were not there or if you know of anyone who missed the meeting, please email your contact details to Rohan Rimmer (our class coordinator) via rorimmer@gmail.com. Many thanks.

The first full week back felt like a really long week!

Writing: we focused on creating comics. I thought this would be an easy way back into writing and reinforce the entertainment value of writing.. We did a lot of preparation work in terms of comic content, layout design, sequencing ideas, describing setting etc. The children did not actually start drawing pictures till Friday.

Maths: the focus is on adding and subtracting decimals. We have started with PVP (place value partitioning) - ask your children to explain, if you are not sure what this is. Next week, we shall be looking at using reversibility for subtraction when PVP does not work easily.

Reading: again, a bit of fun stuff.. reading plays aloud and then some reading comprehension work too. I always emphasise the importance of using part of the question in the written answer, of writing a full answer. This will develop the children's ability to create more complex sentences.

I have started reading Michael Morpurgo's 'Shadow' to the children; they get to develop their listening skills and relax and enjoy a great story.

Handwriting is under way. I think the children are enjoying it and they really focus during the sessions. We are working on cursive writing. I have told them that I am showing them cursive so that they will have the ability to use it or to combine aspects of it with their current style to (hopefully) develop their own writing style.

All in all a good week. The swimming instructors have told me that we have a lot of really good swimmers in Room 26, so I'm looking forward to seeing them all in action at the swimming gala.

PLEASE NOTE: Girls and boys with long hair MUST wear swimming caps this week. Thanks.

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