Last week was an exhausting, yet immensely satisfying week. I hope the children enjoyed it; there was a lot of stress (on our part) trying to get everything organised and ready.. As per usual, the children stepped up their game both on the night of graduation and for their final assembly. Awesome.
Apart from rehearsing, here are a few snaps of what we got up to. Sadly, my phone had no power on Friday arvo and so I have no snaps of the assembly. Hopefully, most of you saw it. Room 25's synchronised 'swimming' was hilarious.
The school saying goodbye to Mrs Elmore..
The Teachers continuing the goodbyes after school in mosquito gully..
Some of Room 26 helping to lead the Sports Assembly cricket dance!

Finishing off the mural.. do come in and see it if you haven't yet had the chance.. a lasting legacy to this year's Year 6.
Polly - our extraordinary artist overseeing the hand painting..
Reports are coming home after school on Monday.
Prize Giving is on Tuesday morning - from 9.15 in the Hall.
School Ends at 1.30pm on Thursday.
And finally..
Thank you parents for all of your assistance and support throughout the year. Many of the things the children experience would simply not happen without your help. Hopefully, I shall get to see most of you on the final day for a final goodbye. For those that I don't get to see, I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have a wonderful break with your children; they really are a lovely bunch of kids! :-)
It is so sad. Sad that we may never see the person sitting next to us right now. It has been a journey at Meadowbank Primary School and what a great journey it has been. I will miss every single person in the class. If it is for their hilarious sense of humour, their ability to make me laugh whenever or their extraordinary personality that can brighten up a room even at the worst of times. Thanks guys for a great year. I will leave you with this quote by Mahatma Gandhi- Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.