Our Class

Our Class

Saturday, 14 November 2015

The week that was...

Another short week in terms of time in the classroom as we were out all day Tuesday at Mt Smart and out at Waterwise on Friday.

In Maths, we continued to look at 3D shapes. The children drew cuboids and then had to measure sides before calculating the areas of different surfaces, followed by the volume of the whole shape. A great way to combine the strand areas of measurement and geometrical shapes. The top Maths group also had a go at calculating the area of triangles. We ran out of time to look at calculating areas of circles and so will do that this week.

For number, we also went over factors. See if your children can tell you the factors of 2,3,4,5,6 and 7. Ask if they can tell you what is special about numbers 1,3,5 and 7..

In Writing, the children worked on their powers of description, trying to describe the buddy sitting opposite them. As I think I've mentioned before, often in writing the children are very keen to write about action and a sequence of events, but regularly forget to fill out the detail when it comes to describing a setting or a character's appearance.

In Reading, we continued with comprehension skills, dictionary skills and novel studies. The children also did a rotation using the computers where they had to collaborate in groups to put together a google slides presentation. We have seen one very good presentation and this week will get to see the rest. I think the collaborative aspect of google tools is a worthwhile skill for the children to master... the best part (I think) is that they have to work together and plan exactly who is doing what before they begin.

We had glorious sunshine for Athletics Day at Mt Smart. Many thanks to all parents who came to either support or help or both! 

Some of the Hauora deisgns the children have created..

Maths art showing transformation, rotation and reflection.. 

Tom Clark's excellent poem about homework..

The 3D spheres I mentioned last week..

On Friday we had perfect conditions for Waterwise.. please remember that we have it on Friday. We had 5 children forget their togs! 

On Thursday we had a drone hover over the field and take a picture of the children marking out a Meadowbank 100 message.

And finally...

On Wednesday lunch, myself and the guitar group went to visit the local retirement village where they performed a number of songs.

Warming up for the big gig!

If you click on the link, you can see a number of the girls from our class in starring roles in MBS news this week..

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