On Monday, due to yet more rain, we piled into the hall for a dodge ball session.

We had one week to get our display ready for the Science Expo. So to inspire the children, I carried out an in class demonstration of how rocket propulsion works, firing a Sprite bottle across the class. The enjoyment was short lived, as I used this is as the basis for a couple of lessons on explanation writing.. oh the horror! Explanation writing will be the main focus for the rest of the term.

On Tuesday afternoon, a Chinese dance group came in to give a performance to the school. We saw some excellent dancers, musicians and a singer. The children were 'oohing' and 'aahing' all over the place!
In Maths, we finished our work on calculating percentages. Next week, we will begin 2 weeks of multiplication and division revision. NB. in terms of Strand, working out area (length x width) and volume (length x width x height) is something a lot of the children continually forget, especially the unit of measurement to show these. Please go over this whenever you get the chance at home. Constant reinforcement really helps :-)
We (well, the children really), worked hard on their Science Expo work, so do please find the time to drop in and see what they have been up to. The exhibition will be in the hall and is open from Tuesday to Thursday.
Puberty Talks. These begin this week. I know a few children have been sick or are on holiday and so have not brought the letter home about this. Please let me know if you object to your child attending these talks.
Rubric's Cubes are no longer welcome in class, so please don't let your child bring them in. Apart from the irritation of the children trying to covertly use them mid lesson, we also had 2 go 'missing' last week.. I hear they are worth $30. Please keep them at home.
And finally, Memory Lane for Mr R...
Check out the program I used to watch, just before bed time..
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