Our Class

Our Class

Saturday, 14 March 2015

The week that was...

With Camp on the horizon, I think we had a hard core 4 days in terms of actually getting quite a lot of work done.

In Maths, we started work on calculating fractions of sets:

eg. What is 3/4 of 28?

The strategy for this being: divide 28 by the denominator and then multiply that result by the numerator. Ask your children if they can do this? Get them to give you an example. I have just looked through the books and am impressed at the number of children who seem to know how to do this. I also continued to 'maintain' the work we have done on decimals. This will be ongoing as a fair few children keep forgetting to remember about place value and so think 0.7 - 0.63 = 0.7.. (they say, I turn 7 into 70 and go 70 - 63 = 7 and then turn it back into decimals and come up with 0.7!).

In Writing, we finished up our work (for now) on report writing and will next be looking at explanation writing. The MAJOR weak area for most in the class is proofreading and editing. When reading their written homework, please be blunt with them if they are about to turn in a piece of writing that is riddled with mistakes. If you have the time, please help them use the dictionary as this is a skill that needs to be mastered.

In Reading, the top readers are underway with their novel studies. I am working with groups looking at inferring information from texts by looking for keywords. When reading with the children, you might like to ask them what a character in a book is like. What can they infer from the way the character is being described, from the character's actions etc.

Here are a few snaps of the children tearing it up during a brain break..

On Friday, we had our first Waterwise session. I get the impression that the kids all loved it. So that's great.

Right, batten down the hatches!!! Fingers crossed that Cyclone Pam doesn't cause too much havoc at camp. Look forward to seeing some of you there!


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