In Maths this week we worked on statistics by using the data from the Fitness-a-thon as the basis for the investigations. For number, we carried on with subtraction. Next week, we shall start work on division strategies. Please keep practising subtraction at home. Another strategy that is quite useful is 'equal additions'. eg.
1.67 - 0.79
(add an amount to the right hand side to round it up to an easy number.. in this case, 0.21. Then add this amount to both sides of the equation..)
1.88 - 1 = 0.88.
In Writing, we looked at how to plan our work using either a SOLO map, or whatever strategy works best. We also continued with free writing and daily dictation.
In Reading, we continued with comprehension work and also looked at the skills required to summarise a text.. ie. the ability to find the main ideas and the key words that support the main idea, and the importance of ignoring supporting, superfluous details.
Lachlan sharing a book with the group. This 'getting the children to share a story with the group mullarky' is becoming a regular feature.. they seem to really enjoy it!
Friday is reading plays day.. we had mikes, booms, props..
.. a rainbow monkey
.. and even a whale...
On Friday, a few lucky members of Room 26 were invited by our buddy class to go and help cook some Samoan doughnuts.

Finally.. enjoy your Monday off.. and don't forget that we have a sports exchange on Tuesday afternoon.. so the children must come to school with all of the required kit.
And for all you gooners out there.. FA Cup Champions again... yeeeeehah!!